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Local Bookmarks by Tags  

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       Some Screenshots With Description

Main Window
with the filter section on the left and the list of bookmarks on the right.

The filter section on the left shows the tags selected to filter the list of bookmarks (top list), the available tags in the bottom list.
The list of bookmarks (on the right) is filtered according to the selected tags.
The bookmarks are grouped by the additional tags, shown in the SectionTitles.
The popup menu includes items for direct de/assignment of tags from/to the selected bookmark(s).
(see below for a full featured main window)

miTaggedMarks main window (plain, with popup menu)

Example Firefox Toolbar with Commands for miTaggedMarks
Commands to take over link data as a bookmark in miTaggedmarks or to open miTaggedMarks main window, both with or without configurable tags predefined, and many more functions possible.

Main Window full featured, with
- more tool buttons,
- the DirectButtons left of each tag to set it as the only filter tag with one click,
- icon buttons in each SectionTitle for actions with the section's bookmarks or tags,
- and the DirectTags panel, for easy de/assignment of tags directly in main window.

miTaggedMarks - main window (full featured)

Main Window with Boolean AND-OR-NOT-Selection for FilterTags
easy tu use, with full interactive feedback of both the list of bookmarks and the lists of available tags.

Dialog for Bookmark Properties
with the tag section on the right.
This dialog may also be used when taking over link data from browsers.
The list at top shows all tags assigned to the bookmark, the bottom one lists all available tags in different sortings.
Assoc. tags are tags that are already used in combination with the assigned ones.
The A2Z bar gives quick access to all tags by first character.
The Same domain section (bottom left, on request) lists URLs from the same domain as the edited one. This helps to avoid storing similar URLs.

miTaggedMarks - bookmark properties

Last Update: 30Jul2009; Michael Valentiner-Branth, email: